Dear Paddling Community,

The 2013 Texas Water Safari will be here before you know it.  This will be the 51st running of the Texas Water Safari.  This year’s race is important to all who have been associated with the race as a participant, volunteer, official or fan and even more so this year, because a number of changes to the race and rules have been implemented.  And a new award has been created for racers and team captains.

First, the award; as you know we had our first fatality last year in the Texas Water Safari.  To honor dedicated paddler Brad Ellis, the Texas Water Safari has created the sportsmanship/spirit award because Brad embraced competition, he gave his all in the Texas Water Safari.  This award will go to a person or team who goes out of their way to aid or assist someone.

In every Safari you hear stories about someone who embodies the spirit of the Texas Water Safari.  It can be as simple as a team captain stopping to help another team captain change a flat tire or, more importantly, someone stopping to render aid in a life threatening situation.  We will rely on you, the participants, to nominate racers or team captains for this award.

The TWS is special to all of us.  The challenge of paddling the San Marcos and Guadalupe Rivers to San Antonio Bay and across to Seadrift, Texas is what draws many of us to participate in the race. 

The Texas Water Safari Board does not condone the modification of the race course in any fashion. This includes defacing and destroying public and private property. Defacing public and private property includes spray painting markers and directions on trees. Destroying public and private property includes clearing lanes for portages; in particular the removal of trees. Additionally the TWS Board strongly condemns dissemination of false and misleading information about the race course. This includes misleading signage, videos and internet postings. Disregarding this policy may result in actions by the Texas Water Safari Board.

A new entry fee structure has been put in place.  You can still register under the old entry fee.  But we have instituted several deadlines with price increases the closer we get to the race date.  Entry Fee: $125 (through April 12), $150 (through May 6), $200 (through May 24) per paddler.

Please read carefully through the rules. In addition to what we have referenced here, there are a number of significant changes for the 51st annual Texas Water Safari.  Please note changes to rules number 3, 8, 9, 12 and 18.

We appreciate the support of the paddling community and are looking forward to another successful Texas Water Safari. 



The Texas Water Safari Board
Jerry Cochran
Bob Spain
Jay Daniel
Harvey Babb
Allen Spelce



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