TWS 2022 Starting Positions

First table shows starting positions in Row Order.  Second table sorted alphabetically by Last Name.

Start Lineup First Name Last Name Canoe Number Category Team Name
1-1 Nathan Tart 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-1 James  Lowe 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-1 David Earnest 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-1 Ryan Martinez 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-1 Shawn Boyett 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-1 Jason Cade 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
1-2 Tommy Yonley 2 Tandem Unlimited Brother vs Brother
1-2 Jonathan Yonley 2 Tandem Unlimited Brother vs Brother
1-3 David Kaiser 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-3 Cohl Brazil 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-3 Jhet Brazil 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-3 Yusuf Johnson 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-3 Sam Hanna 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-3 Alex Leonard 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
1-4 Brenda Jones 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
1-4 Ed Jones 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
1-4 Keifer Mauldin 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
1-4 Adam Sims 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
1-5 Lydia  Huelskamp 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
1-5 Kaitlin Mynar 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
1-5 Cecili Bugge 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
1-5 Morgan Kohut 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
1-6 Matt Taylor 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
1-6 Myles Sumerlin 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
1-6 John D Chapman III 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
1-6 Bobby Johnson 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
2-1 Patrick McCarthy 1116 Tandem Unlimited WaterTight 
2-1 Will Leeds 1116 Tandem Unlimited WaterTight 
2-2 Heather Harrison 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
2-2 Courtney Martinez 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
2-2 Wendell Smith 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
2-2 Bobby Smart 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
2-3 Fred Mynar 17 Solo Unlimited Man  
2-4 Adelaide Rolls 22 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Tough Love
2-4 Ian Rolls 22 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Tough Love
2-5 Salli O'Donnell 5353 Solo Unlimited Woman 10thLife
2-6 Liam Price 424 Standard Twice Boiled
2-6 Edoh Amiran 424 Standard Twice Boiled
3-1 Daniel Currey 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
3-1 Derrick Lee 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
3-1 Greg Frank 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
3-1 Cody Taylor 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
3-2 Ray Arquette 7550 Tandem Unlimited Grendel
3-2 Dave Amodio 7550 Tandem Unlimited Grendel
3-3 Randal  Oudt 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
3-3 Brad Thawley 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
3-3 Matt Matza 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
3-3 Forrest Fauth 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
3-4 Chris Bailey 8760 Tandem Unlimited Twins
3-4 Rob Nichols 8760 Tandem Unlimited Twins
3-5 Jay Berger 712 Solo Unlimited Man Cthulhu
3-6 Kelley  Crow 2121 Novice Beach Bums
3-6 Aaden Crow 2121 Novice Beach Bums
4-1 James  Sutherland 23 Solo Unlimited Man Gator Gutter II
4-2 Jimmy MacMillan 195 USCA C-2 The Huckleberries 
4-2 Garrett Jones 195 USCA C-2 The Huckleberries 
4-3 Joe Geisinger 54 Standard Still Got Yer Hat?
4-3 Curt Slaten 54 Standard Still Got Yer Hat?
4-4 Kristin Daniel 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
4-4 Jay Daniel 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
4-4 Richard Zambrana 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
4-5 Chuck Scheidt 1000 Solo Unlimited Man Barracuda mind Goldfish body
4-6 Trent Magill 8187 Novice TN OH Sea
4-6 Joe Fore 8187 Novice TN OH Sea
5-1 Michael Tecci 160 USCA C-2  
5-1 Chris Champion 160 USCA C-2  
5-2 Holly Orr 357 Tandem Unlimited Women Victoria Secrets
5-2 Melissa James 357 Tandem Unlimited Women Victoria Secrets
5-3 Daniel Baumbach 71 Solo Unlimited Man Pseudemys texana power
5-4 Kim Kaiser 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
5-4 Morgan O'Hanlon 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
5-4 Kileigh Reed 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
5-5 Christopher Kelter 5114 Solo Unlimited Man Fortitudine Vincimus
5-6 Robert Regan 1421 Novice Cool Name Pending
5-6 Jaime Salazar 1421 Novice Cool Name Pending
6-1 Nathan Russell 3001 Solo Unlimited Man One Piece
6-2 Susannah Hulin 56 USCA C-2 Hulinators 
6-2 Joshua Hulin 56 USCA C-2 Hulinators 
6-3 Shawn Melnar 7 Unlimited Indeepship
6-3 Dylan Melnar 7 Unlimited Indeepship
6-3 John Gutierrez 7 Unlimited Indeepship
6-4 Joe Mann 1346 USCA C-2 BuggeMann Returns
6-4 John Bugge 1346 USCA C-2 BuggeMann Returns
6-5 Mary Jo Gumbert 233 Mixed Tandem Unlimited   
6-5 Phil Gumbert 233 Mixed Tandem Unlimited   
6-6 Jeff Larsen 101 Solo Unlimited Man WYRE Safari Team
7-1 Brady Lotz 9 Solo Unlimited Man Team Lotz
7-2 Tim Curry 11 Solo Unlimited Man wildman curry
7-3 Mollie Binion 38 Tandem Unlimited Women Raised on the River 
7-3 Lilly Jones 38 Tandem Unlimited Women Raised on the River 
7-4 Clint Simmons 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
7-4 Kenny Howitt 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
7-4 Chris Buxton 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
7-5 Luis Briones 713 Standard Fainting Goats
7-5 Craig Ahlhorn 713 Standard Fainting Goats
7-6 Scott Ide 6246 USCA C-1 Man Sons of the Nashua River
8-1 Paul Glisson 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
8-1 Rhett Stuman 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
8-1 James  Ward 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
8-1 Justin Brzozowske 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
8-2 Marshall Zurovec 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
8-2 Corey Snell 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
8-2 Stacy Greer 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
8-3 Janae Fuller 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
8-3 Kate Fuller 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
8-3 Spencer Fuller 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
8-4 Geoff Waters 19 Solo Unlimited Man Atollman
8-5 Cooper Knight 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
8-5 Andrew Noonan 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
8-5 Randall Murphy 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
8-6 Chris Anthony 1989 Solo Unlimited Man Chillie Nelson
9-1 Chris Stevenson 103 Tandem Unlimited Just Cuz
9-1 Robb Stevenson 103 Tandem Unlimited Just Cuz
9-2 Tyler Robinson 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
9-2 Porter Robinson 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
9-2 Blackwell Johnson 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
9-3 Cyndi Wilsdorf 811 Solo Unlimited Woman Leeli
9-4 Lee Lichlyter 6 Tandem Unlimited Embrace The Suck
9-4 Bruce Beall 6 Tandem Unlimited Embrace The Suck
9-5 Jackson Baker 72 Solo Unlimited Man Huff & Puff – Other 1/2
9-6 Jack VandeHei 9700 Novice Hei Landers
9-6 Gabriel VandeHei 9700 Novice Hei Landers
10-1 Trab Seyn 410 Tandem Unlimited Dirty Underwear Gang
10-1 Darren Dodd 410 Tandem Unlimited Dirty Underwear Gang
10-2 Irene Moore 25 Solo Unlimited Woman Spicy
10-3 Stephen Beck 4747 Aluminum 2CatDaddy
10-3 Andy Armendariz 4747 Aluminum 2CatDaddy
10-4 Marco Lozano 222 Standard The Turtle Club
10-4 Alex Szczepaniak 222 Standard The Turtle Club
10-5 Andrew Hurst 832 Aluminum Team beau terre
10-5 Garrett Hurst 832 Aluminum Team beau terre
10-6 Kyle Brodwater 609 Novice River Bandits
10-6 Kody Brodwater 609 Novice River Bandits
11-1 Aaron Zwahr 6708 Aluminum Tin-Hutt
11-1 Mike Davidson 6708 Aluminum Tin-Hutt
11-2 Christopher Davis 1984 Novice Ride The Lightning
11-2 Jared O'Brien 1984 Novice Ride The Lightning
11-3 Veronica Sosa 15 Tandem Unlimited Women Sea Senoras
11-3 Felicia Ziegler 15 Tandem Unlimited Women Sea Senoras
11-4 Alex Roessler 1986 Novice Passin' Bayou
11-4 Andrew Parker 1986 Novice Passin' Bayou
11-5 Wesley Keathley 628 Novice Tub 1
11-5 Micah Killian 628 Novice Tub 1
11-6 Paul Pape 1973 USCA C-2 Hell Yeah
11-6 Mike Howard 1973 USCA C-2 Hell Yeah
12-1 Cord Johnson 2818 Solo Unlimited Man I Was Inverted
12-2 Chesney Coker 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
12-2 Chance Kittle 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
12-2 Matthew Beahm 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
12-2 Joel Duncan 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
12-3 Wack Ezell 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
12-3 Trent Murphy 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
12-3 Bobby Sollock 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
12-3 Avery Ezell 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
12-4 Robert Welch 920 Novice  
12-4 Brandon Williams 920 Novice  
12-5 Martha Adame 5858 Solo Unlimited Woman Determination 
12-6 Sonja St Clair 75 Solo Unlimited Woman Moov'n Down River
13-1 Bj Dobbs 6988 Solo Unlimited Man STX 
13-2 Daniela De La Cerda 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
13-2 Cliff De La Cerda 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
13-2 Kent Fish 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
13-3 Ryan Stewart 428 USCA C-1 Man Team Jimmy Row
13-4 Jeremiah Gonzalez 1908 Solo Unlimited Man OGJG
13-5 Jackson Swilley 830 Novice Slippery Swampies
13-5 Parker Carpenter 830 Novice Slippery Swampies
13-6 Robert Felder 4711 Tandem Unlimited Once Flipped Twice Shy
13-6 John Troilo 4711 Tandem Unlimited Once Flipped Twice Shy
14-1 Cody Fowler 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
14-1 Cody Hardin 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
14-1 Chris Withers 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
14-2 Meredith  Cullen  1929 Solo Unlimited Man Devil Dog
14-3 Jennifer Bugge 818 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Just Row With It 
14-3 Johnny Martinez 818 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Just Row With It 
14-4 Tyler Payne 871 USCA C-1 Man Bigtooth Cruise
14-5 Mike Dey 6453 Aluminum Alumi-Naughty
14-5 Mike Smith 6453 Aluminum Alumi-Naughty
14-6 Dalan Hoyt  Moss  1620 Aluminum Chew and Swallow
14-6 Guthrie Moss  1620 Aluminum Chew and Swallow
15-1 Ryan McCoy 1861 Tandem Unlimited Mirkwood Wanderers
15-1 Dan Wadley 1861 Tandem Unlimited Mirkwood Wanderers
15-2 Richard Wessels 8183 Aluminum Lost Padres
15-2 David Deal 8183 Aluminum Lost Padres
15-3 Kaarin Gerber 666 Novice Women Witches Of The 666
15-3 Dusty Kahl 666 Novice Women Witches Of The 666
15-4 Ryan Tedrow 8181 Tandem Unlimited 'Roe 'Row Crew
15-4 Marcus Monroe 8181 Tandem Unlimited 'Roe 'Row Crew
15-5 Mitchell Coleman 330 Novice The Berries
15-5 Trevor Bohl 330 Novice The Berries
15-6 Colton Moore 8000 Aluminum Heavy Metal
15-6 Braden Ballard 8000 Aluminum Heavy Metal
16-1 Tina Sackett 61 USCA C-1 Woman Energizer Snail
16-2 Heath Johnson 270 Tandem Unlimited Slow Ride
16-2 Leslie Callahan 270 Tandem Unlimited Slow Ride
16-3 Dan Graves 700 Novice Apogee Living a Hero's Journey
16-3 Cristian Mandella 700 Novice Apogee Living a Hero's Journey
16-4 Walter Golden 8981 Solo Unlimited Man Cranky Pickle
16-5 Brandy  Kalkbrenner 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
16-5 Megan Lowry 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
16-5 Thomas Gardner 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
16-6 Robert Pullin 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
16-6 Kirk Pullin 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
16-6 Kyle Pullin 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
17-1 Michael Carr 5150 USCA C-2 1 Boat 2 Guys 6 counties 51 bridges 260 miles of delirium arguments and hallucinations
17-1 Chris Dobbins 5150 USCA C-2 1 Boat 2 Guys 6 counties 51 bridges 260 miles of delirium arguments and hallucinations
17-2 Andrew Condie 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-2 Brian Jones 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-2 Gaston Jones 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-2 William Russell 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-2 Dodd Yeager 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-2 Clay Wyatt 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
17-3 Rebekah Feaster 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-3 West Hansen 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-3 Cyril Derreumaux 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-3 Jeff Wueste 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-3 Gabe Haarsma 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-3 Jonathan Zeek 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
17-4 Kyle Mynar 13 USCA C-1 Man Valhalla Rising
17-5 Tim Wilson 7001 Novice Flow State
17-5 Chase Taylor 7001 Novice Flow State
17-6 Tammy Gorman 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
17-6 Jason Gorman 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
17-6 Jack Culberson 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
18-1 Alex Daresh 8004 Aluminum  
18-1 Jose Ramirez 8004 Aluminum  
18-2 Luke Zolnierowski 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
18-2 Damian Stobierski 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
18-2 Ken Ehler 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
18-2 Filip Drozdowski 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
18-2 Andrew Davis 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
18-3 Emma Andruss 1926 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Double A Canoeing
18-3 John Andruss 1926 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Double A Canoeing
18-4 Austin Bodin 1612 Standard Phat Men in a Bathtub
18-4 Will Parrish 1612 Standard Phat Men in a Bathtub
18-5 Max Molina 2223 Tandem Unlimited Stroke This
18-5 Michael Row 2223 Tandem Unlimited Stroke This
18-6 Anthony Kusbel 911 Solo Unlimited Man Crawldads
19-1 Shilo Monney 421 Unlimited not this again
19-1 Wyatt Monney 421 Unlimited not this again
19-1 Chad Monney 421 Unlimited not this again
19-2 Mark VandeHei 1968 Novice Hei 50s
19-2 Todd F. VandeHei 1968 Novice Hei 50s
19-3 Jennifer LaRochelle 2006 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  The Bruised Banana
19-3 Kyle LaRochelle 2006 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  The Bruised Banana
19-4 Brandon Stafford 14 USCA C-1 Man Pavos
19-5 Robert Dulin 708 Tandem Unlimited Usain Boat
19-5 Greg Upshaw 708 Tandem Unlimited Usain Boat
19-6 Benjamin Duckett 728 Solo Unlimited Man Go Ben!
20-1 Al Kaufmann 1925 Solo Unlimited Man Al Kaufmann
20-2 Timothy Clark 42 Novice Me Want Flapjack
20-2 Martin Dawe 42 Novice Me Want Flapjack
20-3 Juan Castro 70 Novice El Cucuy
20-3 Seiji Williams 70 Novice El Cucuy
20-4 Nathaniel  Dicks 1851 USCA C-2 The Northerners
20-4 Joshua P. Halloran 1851 USCA C-2 The Northerners
20-5 Joe Hunt 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
20-5 John Wooldridge 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
20-5 McCall Bohnsack 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
20-6 JR Gideon 34 Novice The Rum Runners
20-6 Jack Craddock 34 Novice The Rum Runners
21-1 Josephine Harras 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-1 John Mark Harras 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-1 Pete Binion 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-1 Wade Binion 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-1 Egan Gyldenege 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-1 Kyle Issendorf 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
21-2 JAY FOX 5300 Solo Unlimited Man Go Jay
21-3 Blair Severson 1111 Aluminum Bottoms Up
21-3 Levi  Mowles 1111 Aluminum Bottoms Up
21-4 Myla Weber 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
21-4 Libby Geisinger 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
21-4 Gwen Truitt 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
21-4 Jim Weber 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
21-4 Luke Parker 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
21-5 Dan Brennen 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
21-5 Eric Wilder 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
21-5 John Williams 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
21-6 Joseph Jacobson 1836 Tandem Unlimited Seasons in the Sun
21-6 Nathan Jacobson 1836 Tandem Unlimited Seasons in the Sun
22-1 Dylan Grant 2316 Novice The Fire Wranglers
22-1 Tristan Jackson 2316 Novice The Fire Wranglers
22-2 Alexander Canizaro 33 Solo Unlimited Man Team Alex
22-3 David Ralph 9496 Novice Canoe Adventure #2
22-3 Tristan Lewis 9496 Novice Canoe Adventure #2
22-4 Samuel Predtechenskis 1940 Unlimited Southern
22-4 Beau Predtechenskis 1940 Unlimited Southern
22-4 James  Predtechenskis 1940 Unlimited Southern
22-4 Cooper Fawks 1940 Unlimited Southern
22-5 Thomas Martin 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
22-5 William Martin 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
22-5 James  Martin 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
22-6 Steven Markowski 505 USCA C-2 Markowski Bros
22-6 Michael Markowski 505 USCA C-2 Markowski Bros
23-1 Li-Yuan  Chea 561 USCA C-1 Man CHEA
23-2 Cody Nelson 1507 Tandem Unlimited Total Ship Show
23-2 Luke Brentlinger 1507 Tandem Unlimited Total Ship Show
23-3 Dan Gideon 2468 Tandem Unlimited Team Tiffany
23-3 Scott Craig 2468 Tandem Unlimited Team Tiffany
23-4 Pete Garcia 6672 Novice We Think We're Young
23-4 Luis Lopez 6672 Novice We Think We're Young
23-5 Bryan Moczygemba 1099 Novice Soggy Bottom Boys
23-5 Steven Stone 1099 Novice Soggy Bottom Boys
23-6 Brian Lowe 1806 Solo Unlimited Man Slow & BLowe
24-1 Kate Motsko  4321 Aluminum Spizzy Tips
24-1 Stefan Grater 4321 Aluminum Spizzy Tips
24-2 Mason Kleinecke 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
24-2 Eric Sullivan 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
24-2 Wyatt Andrews 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
24-3 Gannon Dollar 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
24-3 Jacob Parrish 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
24-3 Nicolas Zafer 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
24-4 Doug Johnson 6922 Tandem Unlimited High&Tight
24-4 Garrett Meeker 6922 Tandem Unlimited High&Tight
24-5 Stormy Massicotte  1417 Novice NO RAGERTS
24-5 Levi  Massicotte  1417 Novice NO RAGERTS
24-6 Jesse Gonzales 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
24-6 Manuel Gonzales 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
24-6 Joe Angel Gonzales 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
25-1 Matt Bonura 224 Solo Unlimited Man Cirrhosis of the River
25-2 John Dupont 65 Tandem Unlimited Polecat & Possum Belly
25-2 Bill Stafford 65 Tandem Unlimited Polecat & Possum Belly
25-3 Joe Clarke 5000 Aluminum Joe Clarke
25-3 Albert Nava 5000 Aluminum Joe Clarke
25-4 Joe Heathcott 3696 Tandem Unlimited team mcshane
25-4 Shannon Mcshane 3696 Tandem Unlimited team mcshane
25-5 Matthew  Elkjer 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
25-5 Philip Athey 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
25-5 Hudson Elkjer 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
25-6 Cody Smith 456 USCA C-1 Man Circled by Buzzards
26-1 Stephen Bilby 9910 Aluminum No Sleep Til Seadrift
26-1 Eliot Howard 9910 Aluminum No Sleep Til Seadrift
26-2 Nathan Glaiser 1258 Solo Unlimited Man Mudcat
26-3 Stephen Barriga 1823 Novice  
26-3 Elijah Carpenter 1823 Novice  
26-4 Nicholas Zehnder 27 Novice Bird Dogs
26-4 Jake Thielman 27 Novice Bird Dogs
26-5 Drew Denman 1124 Solo Unlimited Man Paha Sapa
26-6 Annika Garcia 924 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Gar-See-Ya
26-6 Johnny  Garcia 924 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Gar-See-Ya


Sorted by Last Name

Last Name First Name Start Lineup Canoe Number Category Team Name
Adame Martha 12-5 5858 Solo Unlimited Woman Determination 
Ahlhorn Craig 7-5 713 Standard Fainting Goats
Amiran Edoh 2-6 424 Standard Twice Boiled
Amodio Dave 3-2 7550 Tandem Unlimited Grendel
Andrews Wyatt 24-2 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
Andruss Emma 18-3 1926 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Double A Canoeing
Andruss John 18-3 1926 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Double A Canoeing
Anthony Chris 8-6 1989 Solo Unlimited Man Chillie Nelson
Armendariz Andy 10-3 4747 Aluminum 2CatDaddy
Arquette Ray 3-2 7550 Tandem Unlimited Grendel
Athey Philip 25-5 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
Bailey Chris 3-4 8760 Tandem Unlimited Twins
Baker Jackson 9-5 72 Solo Unlimited Man Huff & Puff – Other 1/2
Ballard Braden 15-6 8000 Aluminum Heavy Metal
Barriga Stephen 26-3 1823 Novice  
Baumbach Daniel 5-3 71 Solo Unlimited Man Pseudemys texana power
Beahm Matthew 12-2 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
Beall Bruce 9-4 6 Tandem Unlimited Embrace The Suck
Beck Stephen 10-3 4747 Aluminum 2CatDaddy
Berger Jay 3-5 712 Solo Unlimited Man Cthulhu
Bilby Stephen 26-1 9910 Aluminum No Sleep Til Seadrift
Binion Mollie 7-3 38 Tandem Unlimited Women Raised on the River 
Binion Pete 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Binion Wade 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Bodin Austin 18-4 1612 Standard Phat Men in a Bathtub
Bohl Trevor 15-5 330 Novice The Berries
Bohnsack McCall 20-5 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
Bonura Matt 25-1 224 Solo Unlimited Man Cirrhosis of the River
Boyett Shawn 1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Brazil Cohl 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Brazil Jhet 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Brennen Dan 21-5 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
Brentlinger Luke 23-2 1507 Tandem Unlimited Total Ship Show
Briones Luis 7-5 713 Standard Fainting Goats
Brodwater Kyle 10-6 609 Novice River Bandits
Brodwater Kody 10-6 609 Novice River Bandits
Brzozowske Justin 8-1 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
Bugge Cecili 1-5 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
Bugge John 6-4 1346 USCA C-2 BuggeMann Returns
Bugge Jennifer 14-3 818 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Just Row With It 
Buxton Chris 7-4 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
Cade Jason 1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Callahan Leslie 16-2 270 Tandem Unlimited Slow Ride
Canizaro Alexander 22-2 33 Solo Unlimited Man Team Alex
Carpenter Parker 13-5 830 Novice Slippery Swampies
Carpenter Elijah 26-3 1823 Novice  
Carr Michael 17-1 5150 USCA C-2 1 Boat 2 Guys 6 counties 51 bridges 260 miles of delirium arguments and hallucinations
Castro Juan 20-3 70 Novice El Cucuy
Champion Chris 5-1 160 USCA C-2  
Chapman III John D 1-6 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
Chea Li-Yuan  23-1 561 USCA C-1 Man CHEA
Clark Timothy 20-2 42 Novice Me Want Flapjack
Clarke Joe 25-3 5000 Aluminum Joe Clarke
Coker Chesney 12-2 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
Coleman Mitchell 15-5 330 Novice The Berries
Condie Andrew 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Craddock Jack 20-6 34 Novice The Rum Runners
Craig Scott 23-3 2468 Tandem Unlimited Team Tiffany
Crow Kelley  3-6 2121 Novice Beach Bums
Crow Aaden 3-6 2121 Novice Beach Bums
Culberson Jack 17-6 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
Cullen  Meredith  14-2 1929 Solo Unlimited Man Devil Dog
Currey Daniel 3-1 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
Curry Tim 7-2 11 Solo Unlimited Man wildman curry
Daniel Kristin 4-4 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
Daniel Jay 4-4 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
Daresh Alex 18-1 8004 Aluminum  
Davidson Mike 11-1 6708 Aluminum Tin-Hutt
Davis Christopher 11-2 1984 Novice Ride The Lightning
Davis Andrew 18-2 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
Dawe Martin 20-2 42 Novice Me Want Flapjack
De La Cerda Daniela 13-2 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
De La Cerda Cliff 13-2 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
Deal David 15-2 8183 Aluminum Lost Padres
Denman Drew 26-5 1124 Solo Unlimited Man Paha Sapa
Derreumaux Cyril 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Dey Mike 14-5 6453 Aluminum Alumi-Naughty
Dicks Nathaniel  20-4 1851 USCA C-2 The Northerners
Dobbins Chris 17-1 5150 USCA C-2 1 Boat 2 Guys 6 counties 51 bridges 260 miles of delirium arguments and hallucinations
Dobbs Bj 13-1 6988 Solo Unlimited Man STX 
Dodd Darren 10-1 410 Tandem Unlimited Dirty Underwear Gang
Dollar Gannon 24-3 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
Drozdowski Filip 18-2 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
Duckett Benjamin 19-6 728 Solo Unlimited Man Go Ben!
Dulin Robert 19-5 708 Tandem Unlimited Usain Boat
Duncan Joel 12-2 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
Dupont John 25-2 65 Tandem Unlimited Polecat & Possum Belly
Earnest David 1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Ehler Ken 18-2 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
Elkjer Matthew  25-5 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
Elkjer Hudson 25-5 5602 Unlimited Trash Pandas
Ezell Wack 12-3 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
Ezell Avery 12-3 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
Fauth Forrest 3-3 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
Fawks Cooper 22-4 1940 Unlimited Southern
Feaster Rebekah 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Felder Robert 13-6 4711 Tandem Unlimited Once Flipped Twice Shy
Fish Kent 13-2 1013 Unlimited Lucky Duck 13
Fore Joe 4-6 8187 Novice TN OH Sea
Fowler Cody 14-1 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
FOX JAY 21-2 5300 Solo Unlimited Man Go Jay
Frank Greg 3-1 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
Fuller Janae 8-3 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
Fuller Kate 8-3 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
Fuller Spencer 8-3 514 Unlimited Flat Squirrel
Garcia Pete 23-4 6672 Novice We Think We're Young
Garcia Annika 26-6 924 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Gar-See-Ya
Garcia Johnny  26-6 924 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Gar-See-Ya
Gardner Thomas 16-5 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
Geisinger Joe 4-3 54 Standard Still Got Yer Hat?
Geisinger Libby 21-4 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
Gerber Kaarin 15-3 666 Novice Women Witches Of The 666
Gideon JR 20-6 34 Novice The Rum Runners
Gideon Dan 23-3 2468 Tandem Unlimited Team Tiffany
Glaiser Nathan 26-2 1258 Solo Unlimited Man Mudcat
Glisson Paul 8-1 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
Golden Walter 16-4 8981 Solo Unlimited Man Cranky Pickle
Gonzales Jesse 24-6 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
Gonzales Manuel 24-6 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
Gonzales Joe Angel 24-6 3323 Unlimited River Weenies
Gonzalez Jeremiah 13-4 1908 Solo Unlimited Man OGJG
Gorman Tammy 17-6 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
Gorman Jason 17-6 16 Unlimited Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying
Grant Dylan 22-1 2316 Novice The Fire Wranglers
Grater Stefan 24-1 4321 Aluminum Spizzy Tips
Graves Dan 16-3 700 Novice Apogee Living a Hero's Journey
Greer Stacy 8-2 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
Gumbert Mary Jo 6-5 233 Mixed Tandem Unlimited   
Gumbert Phil 6-5 233 Mixed Tandem Unlimited   
Gutierrez John 6-3 7 Unlimited Indeepship
Gyldenege Egan 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Haarsma Gabe 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Halloran Joshua P. 20-4 1851 USCA C-2 The Northerners
Hanna Sam 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Hansen West 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Hardin Cody 14-1 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
Harras Josephine 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Harras John Mark 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Harrison Heather 2-2 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
Heathcott Joe 25-4 3696 Tandem Unlimited team mcshane
Howard Mike 11-6 1973 USCA C-2 Hell Yeah
Howard Eliot 26-1 9910 Aluminum No Sleep Til Seadrift
Howitt Kenny 7-4 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
Huelskamp Lydia  1-5 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
Hulin Susannah 6-2 56 USCA C-2 Hulinators 
Hulin Joshua 6-2 56 USCA C-2 Hulinators 
Hunt Joe 20-5 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
Hurst Andrew 10-5 832 Aluminum Team beau terre
Hurst Garrett 10-5 832 Aluminum Team beau terre
Ide Scott 7-6 6246 USCA C-1 Man Sons of the Nashua River
Issendorf Kyle 21-1 807 Unlimited The Cowboys
Jackson Tristan 22-1 2316 Novice The Fire Wranglers
Jacobson Joseph 21-6 1836 Tandem Unlimited Seasons in the Sun
Jacobson Nathan 21-6 1836 Tandem Unlimited Seasons in the Sun
James Melissa 5-2 357 Tandem Unlimited Women Victoria Secrets
Johnson Yusuf 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Johnson Bobby 1-6 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
Johnson Blackwell 9-2 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
Johnson Cord 12-1 2818 Solo Unlimited Man I Was Inverted
Johnson Heath 16-2 270 Tandem Unlimited Slow Ride
Johnson Doug 24-4 6922 Tandem Unlimited High&Tight
Jones Brenda 1-4 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
Jones Ed 1-4 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
Jones Garrett 4-2 195 USCA C-2 The Huckleberries 
Jones Lilly 7-3 38 Tandem Unlimited Women Raised on the River 
Jones Brian 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Jones Gaston 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Kahl Dusty 15-3 666 Novice Women Witches Of The 666
Kaiser David 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Kaiser Kim 5-4 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
Kalkbrenner Brandy  16-5 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
Kaufmann Al 20-1 1925 Solo Unlimited Man Al Kaufmann
Keathley Wesley 11-5 628 Novice Tub 1
Kelter Christopher 5-5 5114 Solo Unlimited Man Fortitudine Vincimus
Killian Micah 11-5 628 Novice Tub 1
Kittle Chance 12-2 1234 Unlimited Bugge Knights
Kleinecke Mason 24-2 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
Knight Cooper 8-5 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
Kohut Morgan 1-5 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
Kusbel Anthony 18-6 911 Solo Unlimited Man Crawldads
LaRochelle Jennifer 19-3 2006 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  The Bruised Banana
LaRochelle Kyle 19-3 2006 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  The Bruised Banana
Larsen Jeff 6-6 101 Solo Unlimited Man WYRE Safari Team
Lee Derrick 3-1 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
Leeds Will 2-1 1116 Tandem Unlimited WaterTight 
Leonard Alex 1-3 123 Unlimited The Riders of Wonderment in the Jalopy Limousine
Lewis Tristan 22-3 9496 Novice Canoe Adventure #2
Lichlyter Lee 9-4 6 Tandem Unlimited Embrace The Suck
Lopez Luis 23-4 6672 Novice We Think We're Young
Lotz Brady 7-1 9 Solo Unlimited Man Team Lotz
Lowe James  1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Lowe Brian 23-6 1806 Solo Unlimited Man Slow & BLowe
Lowry Megan 16-5 8008 Unlimited Hudson Meat Market
Lozano Marco 10-4 222 Standard The Turtle Club
MacMillan Jimmy 4-2 195 USCA C-2 The Huckleberries 
Magill Trent 4-6 8187 Novice TN OH Sea
Mandella Cristian 16-3 700 Novice Apogee Living a Hero's Journey
Mann Joe 6-4 1346 USCA C-2 BuggeMann Returns
Markowski Steven 22-6 505 USCA C-2 Markowski Bros
Markowski Michael 22-6 505 USCA C-2 Markowski Bros
Martin Thomas 22-5 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Martin William 22-5 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Martin James  22-5 183 Unlimited The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Martinez Ryan 1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Martinez Courtney 2-2 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
Martinez Johnny 14-3 818 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Just Row With It 
Massicotte  Stormy 24-5 1417 Novice NO RAGERTS
Massicotte  Levi  24-5 1417 Novice NO RAGERTS
Matza Matt 3-3 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
Mauldin Keifer 1-4 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
McCarthy Patrick 2-1 1116 Tandem Unlimited WaterTight 
McCoy Ryan 15-1 1861 Tandem Unlimited Mirkwood Wanderers
Mcshane Shannon 25-4 3696 Tandem Unlimited team mcshane
Meeker Garrett 24-4 6922 Tandem Unlimited High&Tight
Melnar Shawn 6-3 7 Unlimited Indeepship
Melnar Dylan 6-3 7 Unlimited Indeepship
Moczygemba Bryan 23-5 1099 Novice Soggy Bottom Boys
Molina Max 18-5 2223 Tandem Unlimited Stroke This
Monney Shilo 19-1 421 Unlimited not this again
Monney Wyatt 19-1 421 Unlimited not this again
Monney Chad 19-1 421 Unlimited not this again
Monroe Marcus 15-4 8181 Tandem Unlimited 'Roe 'Row Crew
Moore Irene 10-2 25 Solo Unlimited Woman Spicy
Moore Colton 15-6 8000 Aluminum Heavy Metal
Moss  Dalan Hoyt  14-6 1620 Aluminum Chew and Swallow
Moss  Guthrie 14-6 1620 Aluminum Chew and Swallow
Motsko  Kate 24-1 4321 Aluminum Spizzy Tips
Mowles Levi  21-3 1111 Aluminum Bottoms Up
Murphy Randall 8-5 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
Murphy Trent 12-3 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
Mynar Kaitlin 1-5 3931 Unlimited Women Splash Cats
Mynar Fred 2-3 17 Solo Unlimited Man  
Mynar Kyle 17-4 13 USCA C-1 Man Valhalla Rising
Nava Albert 25-3 5000 Aluminum Joe Clarke
Nelson Cody 23-2 1507 Tandem Unlimited Total Ship Show
Nichols Rob 3-4 8760 Tandem Unlimited Twins
Noonan Andrew 8-5 432 Unlimited Wasserhunde
O'Brien Jared 11-2 1984 Novice Ride The Lightning
O'Donnell Salli 2-5 5353 Solo Unlimited Woman 10thLife
O'Hanlon Morgan 5-4 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
Orr Holly 5-2 357 Tandem Unlimited Women Victoria Secrets
Oudt Randal  3-3 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
Pape Paul 11-6 1973 USCA C-2 Hell Yeah
Parker Andrew 11-4 1986 Novice Passin' Bayou
Parker Luke 21-4 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
Parrish Will 18-4 1612 Standard Phat Men in a Bathtub
Parrish Jacob 24-3 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
Payne Tyler 14-4 871 USCA C-1 Man Bigtooth Cruise
Predtechenskis Samuel 22-4 1940 Unlimited Southern
Predtechenskis Beau 22-4 1940 Unlimited Southern
Predtechenskis James  22-4 1940 Unlimited Southern
Price Liam 2-6 424 Standard Twice Boiled
Pullin Robert 16-6 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
Pullin Kirk 16-6 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
Pullin Kyle 16-6 420 Unlimited PuIlin Tres
Ralph David 22-3 9496 Novice Canoe Adventure #2
Ramirez Jose 18-1 8004 Aluminum  
Reed Kileigh 5-4 321 Unlimited Women Hot as Snot River Babes
Regan Robert 5-6 1421 Novice Cool Name Pending
Robinson Tyler 9-2 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
Robinson Porter 9-2 1889 Unlimited Sandlapper on Safari
Roessler Alex 11-4 1986 Novice Passin' Bayou
Rolls Adelaide 2-4 22 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Tough Love
Rolls Ian 2-4 22 Mixed Tandem Unlimited  Tough Love
Row Michael 18-5 2223 Tandem Unlimited Stroke This
Russell Nathan 6-1 3001 Solo Unlimited Man One Piece
Russell William 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Sackett Tina 16-1 61 USCA C-1 Woman Energizer Snail
Salazar Jaime 5-6 1421 Novice Cool Name Pending
Scheidt Chuck 4-5 1000 Solo Unlimited Man Barracuda mind Goldfish body
Severson Blair 21-3 1111 Aluminum Bottoms Up
Seyn Trab 10-1 410 Tandem Unlimited Dirty Underwear Gang
Simmons Clint 7-4 727 Unlimited Rebel Scum
Sims Adam 1-4 4444 Unlimited Four Stroke
Slaten Curt 4-3 54 Standard Still Got Yer Hat?
Smart Bobby 2-2 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
Smith Wendell 2-2 333 Unlimited Four Guad's Sake
Smith Mike 14-5 6453 Aluminum Alumi-Naughty
Smith Cody 25-6 456 USCA C-1 Man Circled by Buzzards
Snell Corey 8-2 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
Sollock Bobby 12-3 2727 Unlimited Wack Ezell
Sosa Veronica 11-3 15 Tandem Unlimited Women Sea Senoras
St Clair Sonja 12-6 75 Solo Unlimited Woman Moov'n Down River
Stafford Brandon 19-4 14 USCA C-1 Man Pavos
Stafford Bill 25-2 65 Tandem Unlimited Polecat & Possum Belly
Stevenson Chris 9-1 103 Tandem Unlimited Just Cuz
Stevenson Robb 9-1 103 Tandem Unlimited Just Cuz
Stewart Ryan 13-3 428 USCA C-1 Man Team Jimmy Row
Stobierski Damian 18-2 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
Stone Steven 23-5 1099 Novice Soggy Bottom Boys
Stuman Rhett 8-1 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
Sullivan Eric 24-2 1173 Unlimited The Tasmanian Tigers
Sumerlin Myles 1-6 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
Sutherland James  4-1 23 Solo Unlimited Man Gator Gutter II
Swilley Jackson 13-5 830 Novice Slippery Swampies
Szczepaniak Alex 10-4 222 Standard The Turtle Club
Tart Nathan 1-1 2424 Unlimited Watch Your Six
Taylor Matt 1-6 777 Unlimited 2 Strokin' It
Taylor Cody 3-1 667 Unlimited Fuzzy Nuggets
Taylor Chase 17-5 7001 Novice Flow State
Tecci Michael 5-1 160 USCA C-2  
Tedrow Ryan 15-4 8181 Tandem Unlimited 'Roe 'Row Crew
Thawley Brad 3-3 44 Unlimited Ridin Dirty
Thielman Jake 26-4 27 Novice Bird Dogs
Troilo John 13-6 4711 Tandem Unlimited Once Flipped Twice Shy
Truitt Gwen 21-4 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
Upshaw Greg 19-5 708 Tandem Unlimited Usain Boat
VandeHei Jack 9-6 9700 Novice Hei Landers
VandeHei Gabriel 9-6 9700 Novice Hei Landers
VandeHei Mark 19-2 1968 Novice Hei 50s
VandeHei Todd F. 19-2 1968 Novice Hei 50s
Wadley Dan 15-1 1861 Tandem Unlimited Mirkwood Wanderers
Ward James  8-1 1004 Unlimited The James Gang
Waters Geoff 8-4 19 Solo Unlimited Man Atollman
Weber Myla 21-4 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
Weber Jim 21-4 35 Unlimited Paddling Paradise
Welch Robert 12-4 920 Novice  
Wessels Richard 15-2 8183 Aluminum Lost Padres
Wilder Eric 21-5 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
Williams Brandon 12-4 920 Novice  
Williams Seiji 20-3 70 Novice El Cucuy
Williams John 21-5 1390 Unlimited Draggin' Ass
Wilsdorf Cyndi 9-3 811 Solo Unlimited Woman Leeli
Wilson Tim 17-5 7001 Novice Flow State
Withers Chris 14-1 4 Unlimited Las Flamas Blancas
Wooldridge John 20-5 1775 Unlimited Current Obsession 
Wueste Jeff 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Wyatt Clay 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Yeager Dodd 17-2 1313 Unlimited DEATH PUNCH
Yonley Tommy 1-2 2 Tandem Unlimited Brother vs Brother
Yonley Jonathan 1-2 2 Tandem Unlimited Brother vs Brother
Zafer Nicolas 24-3 8 Unlimited Motorboaters
Zambrana Richard 4-4 113 Unlimited Lady in Charge
Zeek Jonathan 17-3 1901 Unlimited Modern Prometheus
Zehnder Nicholas 26-4 27 Novice Bird Dogs
Ziegler Felicia 11-3 15 Tandem Unlimited Women Sea Senoras
Zolnierowski Luke 18-2 1991 Unlimited The Wedding Paddlers
Zurovec Marshall 8-2 8588 Unlimited Magic School Bus
Zwahr Aaron 11-1 6708 Aluminum Tin-Hutt




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